CSS :: Urogenital System

71.  Afer ovulation in female rabbit the structure formed by the rupture of graffian follicle is called:
A. Corpus spongiosum B. Corpus albicans
C. Corpus luteum D. Corpus mammilare

72.  The primary oocyte in mammals has which of the following structures around it:
A. Zona pellucida B. Zona vasculosa
C. Zona radiata D. None of these

73.  Membrana granulose is found in which of the mammalian oocytes:
A. Primary B. Secondary
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

74.  Female rabbits are:
A. Induced ovulators B. Spontaneous ovulators
C. Seasonal ovulators D. Indifferent ovulators

75.  How many sperms and ova will be produced from 20 primary spermatocytes and 20 oocytes respectively:
A. 80 sperms and 20 ova B. 100 sperms and 20 ova
C. 100 sperms and 25 ova D. 80 sperms and 80 ova

76.  How many spermatocytes will be required to produce 200 spermatozoa:
A. 25 B. 40
C. 50 D. 100

77.  Which part of the female represents penis of male:
A. Uterus B. Fallopian tube
C. Vagina D. Clitoris

78.  Bidder's canal in frog is meant for the passage of:
A. Urine only B. Sperms only
C. Vagina D. Clitoris

79.  From a single primary spermatocytes ultimately how many spermatozoa will be formed:
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

80.  In which of the following organs of mammals corpus luteum is found:
A. Liver B. Spleen
C. Kidney D. Ovary

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