CSS :: Skeletal System

81.  Scapula in rabbit is provided with:
A. Acromion process B. Metacromion structures
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

82.  In rabbit the coracoids are:
A. Reduced and fused with the scapula of their sides B. Well developed and joined with suprascapula of their side
C. Reduced and fused with suprascapula of their side D. Well developed but cartilagenous

83.  In rabbit the glenoid cavity is formed by:
A. Scapula only B. Coracoid only
C. Scapula and coracoid D. None of these

84.  Coracoids in the pectoral girdle of frog are:
A. Reduced and fused with scapula B. Well developed with cartilaginous pre and epicoracoids
C. Reduced and fused with suprascapula D. None of these types

85.  Coracoid with a coracoid process is present in the:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

86.  The scapula in frog is different than rabbit in:
A. Having an acromion process and spine B. Not having an acronion process and spine
C. Having both acromion and metacromion processes D. Having none of these

87.  The fore limbs are articulated at:
A. Pectoral girdle B. Pelvic girdle
C. Sternum D. None of these

88.  Articulation of hind limbs is affected at:
A. Pectoral girdle B. Pelvic girdle
C. Sacrum D. None of these

89.  Pelvic girdle in frog has two arms which:
A. Articulate movably with 9th vertebra B. Articulate immovably with 1st vertebra of sacrum
C. Articulate at public symphysis D. Articulate at none of these

90.  Stout, slender, rod-like ilium with a crest is found in:
A. Rabbit B. Frog
C. Man D. None of these

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