CSS :: Skeletal System

71.  Xiphisternum is found in the sternum of:
A. Frog only B. Rabbit only
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

72.  Which of these pairs of ribs are floating ribs in rabbit:
A. 3rd to 6th pairs B. 7th and 8th pairs
C. 10th to 12th paris D. None of these

73.  Which of these are false ribs in rabbit:
A. 7th pair B. 8th pair
C. 9th pair D. 10th pair

74.  Appendicular skeleton in vertebrates consists of:
A. Skull and vertebral column B. Girdles and limbs
C. Vertebral column and limbs D. Vertebral column and girdles

75.  Pectoral girdle in vertebrates consists of:
A. Suprascapula B. Scapula
C. Coracoid D. All of these

76.  Protection of heart by forming a thoracic cage is done in frog by:
A. Two halves of pectoral girdle which are arch-like B. Two halves of arch-like pectoral girdle fused mid ventrally with sternum
C. Ribs joining with sternum D. None of these

77.  Which of these elements of pectoral girdle in frog are calcified cartilage:
A. Scapula B. Suprascapula
C. Coracoid D. None of these

78.  Suprascapula in rabbit is:
A. Calcified cartilaginous structure B. Cartilagenous strip like structure
C. Bony plate-like structure D. None of these

79.  Glenoid cavity in rabbit is formed by:
A. Suprascapula, coracoid and scapula B. Suprascapula and coracoid only
C. Scapula only the coracoids do not take any part D. None of these

80.  Pre and epicoracoids present in the pectoral girdle of frog are:
A. Cartilaginous structures B. Bony structures
C. Calcified cartilaginous structures D. None of these

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