CSS :: Skeletal System

61.  Which of these vertebrae in rabbit do not have transverse processes:
A. Cervical B. Thoracic
C. Lumber D. Caudal

62.  Which of these vertebrae in rabbit are strongest to bear the jerk occurring as a result of leaping:
A. Thoracic B. Mumbers
C. Cervical D. None of these

63.  Inverted 'Y' shaped bone in the sternum of frog is:
A. Omosternum B. Xiphisternum
C. Mesosternum D. Metasternum

64.  The number of stemebrae in rabbit is:
A. Five B. Six
C. Seven D. Eight

65.  8th and 9th pairs of ribs in rabbit are:
A. False ribs B. True ribs
C. Floating ribs D. None of these

66.  Ribs belonging to 10th, 11th and 12th pairs in rabbit are:
A. False ribs B. Floating ribs
C. Metasternum D. None of these

67.  Which of these are parasites of human blood:
A. Plasmodium B. Trypanosoma
C. Leishmania D. All of these

68.  Ribs of 7th pairs, in rabbit are joined with which of these:
A. Presternum B. First sternebrae of mesosternum
C. Metasernum D. Last sternebrae of mesosternum

69.  In frog the sternal element over omosternum is called:
A. Xiphisternum B. Episternum
C. Metasternum D. Mesosternum

70.  Which of these structures in the sternum of frog is rod-like:
A. Mesosternum B. Metasternum
C. Xiphisternum D. None of these

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