CSS :: Skeletal System

51.  The centra of vertebrae of rabbit are:
A. Procoelous B. Amphiplatyon
C. Amphicoelous D. None of these

52.  The 8th vertebra in frog is:
A. Procoelous B. Amphiplatyon
C. Amphicoelous D. None of these

53.  Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, elongated and pointed neural spine, reduced transverse processes, facets for articulation on centrum and transverse processes:
A. Cervical B. Thoracic
C. Lumber D. Sacral

54.  Which of these vertebrae are absent in frog:
A. Cerival B. Caudal
C. Lumber D. All of these

55.  Which of these vertebra in frog has stout transverse processes, centrum with one anterior convexity and two posterior convexities:
A. Atlas B. Typical
C. 8th D. 9th

56.  A vertebra in frog having same length as vertebra column, midventral prominent crest and two concavities anteriorly:
A. Atlas B. Typical
C. 9th D. Urostyle

57.  Which of these vertebrae in rabbit has flat centrum, long and forked transverse processes, anapophyses, metapophyses and a hypapophysis:
A. Thoracic B. Lumber
C. Sacral D. None of these

58.  In case of frog the vertebrae are generally procoelous except :
A. 8th B. 9th
C. 8th and 9th D. 9th and 10th

59.  A vertebra in which centrum is concave at both the ends is:
A. 9th vertebra of frog B. 8th vertebra of frog
C. Cervical of rabbit D. Typical of frog

60.  Number of vertebrae in man is:
A. 30 B. 31
C. 32 D. 33

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