CSS :: Skeletal System

31.  Joints by which the skull bones are articulated in frog are:
A. Imperfect B. Movable
C. Immovable D. Gliding

32.  Angulosplenial is a:
A. Structure in the spleen of rabbit helping in breakage of blood cells B. Bone found in the lower jaw of the frog
C. Part of lower jaw in rabbit that forms jaw suspension D. Part of pectoral girdle in frog

33.  Which of these is paired bone in frog:
A. Septomaxillary B. Parasphenoid
C. Sphenethmoid D. None of these

34.  Lower jaw in frog consists of:
A. Dentary B. Dentary and angulosplenial
C. Dentary, angulosplenial and Miclel's cartilage D. Dentary, angulosplenial, Mickel's cartilage and mentomeckelian

35.  Posteriorly the skull opens by a wide gap through which brain continues into spinal cord. It is called:
A. Foramen of Monro B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen of Mgindi D. None of these

36.  How many bones form the lower jaw in frog:
A. Three B. Four
C. Five D. Six

37.  How many bones form the lower jaw in man:
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

38.  Which of these bones in frog is unpaired:
A. Premaxilla B. Maxilla
C. Sphenethmoid D. Vomer

39.  Lower jaw in mammals is formed of:
A. Dentary only B. Dentary and Angulosplenial
C. Dentary, angulosplenial and Miclel's cartilage D. Dentary, Angulosplenial and Mickel's cartilage and Mentomeckelian

40.  Skull in frog, rabbit, man and other mammals is:
A. Monocondylic B. Dicondylic
C. Tricondylic D. Acondylic

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