CSS :: Skeletal System

21.  Jaw suspension in frog is:
A. Autostylic B. Craniostylic
C. Hyostylic D. Streptostylic

22.  In an autostylic jaw suspension the lower jaw is suspended at:
A. Quadrate B. Squamosal
C. Jugal D. None of these

23.  In a craniostylic jaw suspension the lower jaw is suspended at:
A. Quadrate B. Squamosal
C. Qudratojugal D. Jugal

24.  Hyoid apparatus is bony and its anterior cornua is four jointed in which of these animals:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

25.  Lower jaw in rabbit is formed of:
A. Angulosplenial and dentary bones B. Articular and dentary bones
C. Only dentary bones D. None of these

26.  Number of vertebrae in rabbit is:
A. 20-25 B. 30-34
C. 44-47 D. 52-54

27.  Which of these bones form zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit or dog:
A. Jugal and squamosal B. Pterygoid and squamosal
C. Jugal and a process of maxilla and squamosal D. None of these

28.  The number of cervical vertebrae in mammals is seven except in:
A. Camel B. Giraffe
C. Some sloths and sea-cows D. None of these

29.  The reason for long neck in camel or giraffe is:
A. Increase in the number of neck vertebrae B. Increase in the length of neck vertebrae
C. Development of extra bony plates between succuessive vertebrae D. Development of muscular pads between successive vertebrae

30.  Skeleton in aquatic animals may be less bulky and less strong than terrestrial animal due to:
A. Bouyancy of water B. Pressure of water
C. Larger size of land animals D. Presence of limbs in land animals

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