CSS :: Skeletal System

11.  Allisphenoids, basisphenoid, orbitos phenoids and presphenoid are the bones found in the brain box of:
A. Frog B. Rabbit and man
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

12.  Prefrontal and lacrimal bone are present in the skull of:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

13.  Septomaxillary bones are present in the skull of:
A. Rabbit B. Man
C. Rat D. Frog

14.  Jugals are present in the upper jaw of:
A. Frog B. rabbit
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

15.  In which of these animals the upper jaw has quadraro-jugals and the jugals are absent:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

16.  Prenaxillae in frog have two tows of smaller teeth but in rabbit only have:
A. Incisors B. Canines
C. Premolars D. Molars

17.  Maxilla in rabbit has which of the following types of teeth:
A. Incisors and canines B. Premolars and molars
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

18.  Zygomatic arch in the skull of rabbit is formed by:
A. Zygomatic process of maxilla only B. Zygomatic process of squamosal only
C. Both by zygomatic process of maxilla and of squamosal D. Neither by zygomatic process of maxilla nor of squanmosal

19.  Vomers are free and with vomerine teeth in frog whereas in rabbit these are:
A. Fused and with teeth B. Fused but without teeth
C. Same as in the frog D. Of some other type than these

20.  Teeth in rabbit are:
A. Homodont and polyphyodont B. Heterodont and diphyodont
C. Homodont and diphyodont D. Heterodont and polyphyodont

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