CSS :: Respiratory System Physiology

71.  The number of ATP molecules of ATP synthesized after oxidation of one molecule of glucose is:
A. 36 B. 38
C. 40 D. 42

72.  After completion of Glycolysis and Kreb's cycle we have a net gain of how many molecules of ATP when one molecule of glucose is oxidized:
A. 36 B. 38
C. 40 D. None of these

73.  How much Cals are trapped in 38 molecules of ATP which are gained during oxidation of one molecule of glucose:
A. 1,56,000 Cals B. 2,56,000 Cals
C. 3`,56,000 Cals D. 4,56,000 Cals

74.  Third bond of ATP on hydrolysis yields:
A. ADP + 33,000 joules B. AMP + 33,000 joules
C. ADP + 66,000 joules D. None of these

75.  An increase in body temperature during fever will:
A. Increase the rate of our respiration B. Decrease the rate of our respiration
C. First decrease then increase the rate of our respriation D. Not at all affect the rate of our respiration

76.  Below how much concentration of oxygen the pyruvic acid will not pass into Kreb's cycle and would convert into CO2 and alcohol:
A. 1% B. 2%
C. 3% D. 4%

77.  Respiratory quotent (RQ) means:
A. Volume of CO2 given in unit time B. Volume of oxygen absorbed in unit time
C. Ratio of carbondioxide liberated to that of oxygen taken D. None of these

78.  RQ for carbohydrates is:
A. 1 B. 0.71
C. 0.8 D. None of these

79.  RQ for proteins is:
A. More than 1.5 B. Less than 1 (0.71)
C. 0.8 D. None of these

80.  RQ for fats is:
A. 1.5 B. 1
C. 0.71 D. 0.8

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