CSS :: Respiratory System Physiology

41.  By which of the following the medullary respiratory centre is affected directly:
A. Chemically B. Physically
C. Neuronally D. All of these

42.  Forced deep breathing for few minutes in a person sitting at rest may be followed bya temporary cessation in breathing which is due to:
A. Too much amount of O2 in his blood B. Too much amount of carbondioxide in his blood
C. Too much O2 and very little CO2 in his blood D. None of these reasons

43.  In which of these forms major amount of carbondioxide is transported in our blood:
A. As bicarbonate ions B. As sodium carbonate
C. As carbonic acid D. As carbamino compounds

44.  A person living at high altitude has likely the higher number of RBCs per unit volume because of which of the following reasons:
A. Air is not polluted and is clear B. Air is less dense
C. More sunshine is available D. None of these

45.  Faster breathing during condition of fever is mainly due to which of the following facts:
A. We need additional amount of oxygen for the invading organisms B. High temperature of our body
C. Nervousness of the patient D. Loss of appetite

46.  A person belonging to sea-level town migrates to high altitude of about 8000 feet then his blood after 15 days will show:
A. Greater number of RBCs and more Hb B. Increase in his blood volume
C. Reduction in number of RBCs D. Increase in number of WBCs

47.  Which one of the following statements define Bohr effect:
A. A rise in P50 with a decrease in carbondioxide concentration B. A rise in P50 with a increase in carbondioxide concentration
C. A rise in P50 with an increase in pH and decrease in PCO2 D. None of these

48.  Under certain conditions, an increase in P50 value of haemoglobin would bring which of these changes in the affinity of pigment to combine with oxygen:
A. Fall B. Rise
C. First rise and then fall D. No change

49.  A person will die of oxygen dificiency when under certain conditions his P50 value of Hb rises to 100 mm Hg, the reason being that:
A. He cannot load enough oxygen in the lungs B. He can load enough oxygen but cannot unload it
C. He can neither load nor unload oxygen in the lungs D. He suffers with degradation and cannot function normally

50.  The dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin would increase under a given concentration in blood in case:
A. pH of blood raises B. pH of blood falls
C. Concentration of CO2 falls D. Free fatty acid concentration falls in blood

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