CSS :: Respiratory System Physiology

31.  How can combining of haemoglobin with oxygen in the lungs be promoted?
A. By decreasing the concentration of oxygen in blood B. By increasing the concentration of oxygen in blood
C. By increasing the concentration of CO2 in blood D. By inducing CO in the blood

32.  Oxygen carrier in the blood of vertebrate is:
A. Haemoglobin can combine with oxygen B. Haemocyanin
C. Cytochrome D. All of these

33.  Oxygen in the blood is transported mainly by:
A. Blood plasma B. WBCs
C. RBCs D. Platelets

34.  Oxygen content in our expiratory air is:
A. 4% B. 20%
C. 16% D. 25%

35.  Respiratory centre in medulla is directly affected by:
A. Venous blood entering it B. Arterial blood entering it
C. Venous blood leaving it D. Arterial blood leaving it

36.  Which of these factors influence our respiratory centre:
A. CO2 B. Water vapour
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

37.  Which of these statements are correct:
A. All of the animals need a medium for cellular respiration B. Oxygen is transported in all animals by blood
C. All animals take oxygen from water or air through lungs or gills D. All animals need oxygen for their respiration

38.  Major portion of CO2 formed during cellular respiration is transported to lung in form of:
A. HCO3 B. H2CO3
C. As free CO2 D. In combination of HbCO2

39.  Sudden deep inspiration may be due to:
A. Increase in the concentration of oxygen B. Increase in concentration of carbondioxide
C. Decrease in the concentration of carbondioxide D. Either increase in the concentration of oxygen of decrease in concentration of carbondioxide

40.  The impulse for voluntary forced breathing starts in the:
A. Medulla B. Vagus nerve
C. Spinal cord D. Cerebrun

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