CSS :: Respiratory System Physiology

21.  Which of these facts sugests that oxygen is transported from lungs to the tissues combined with haemoglobin rather than dissolved in blood plasma:
A. Haemoglobin can combine with oxygen B. Oxygen carrying capacity of whole blood is higher than that of plasma
C. Oxyhaemoglobin can dissociate into haemoglobin and oxygen D. Increase in CO2 concentration decrease the O2 affinity of haemoglobin

22.  How much oxygen binds with 1 gm of haemoglobin in normal state:
A. 0.5ml B. 0.75ml
C. 1.0gm D. 1.34gm

23.  Oxygen capacity of haemoglobin is:
A. The amount of oxygen which 1 gm of haemoglobin can bind B. The amount of oxygen which haemoglobin exchanges with similar amount of carbondioxide
C. The amount of oxygen which is present in blood of alveolar circulation D. None of these

24.  Deoxygenation of oxyhaemoglobin is:
A. Directly proportional to blood PCO2 B. Inversely proportional to blood PCO2
C. Directly proportional to PO2 D. Inversely proportional to PO2

25.  Which of these is termed Bohr effect:
A. Deoxygenation of oxyhaemoglobin is directly proportional to PCO2 B. Oxygen carrying capacity of whole blood is higher than plasma
C. Increase in CO2 concentration decreases O2 affinity of Hb D. None of these

26.  Haldane effect states that:
A. Oxyhaemoglobin behaves as a strong acid so more and more amount of it formed releases more and more H+ions B. Deoxygenation of oxyhaemoglobin is directly proportional to PCO2
C. Increase the oxygen affinity of haemoglobin D. None of these facts

27.  The atmosphere of industrial area loaded with chimines is considered harmful to health because:
A. There is more and more carbondioxide B. There is carbonmomonoxide which can bind with Hb 230 times more than oxygen and its pressure of about 0.7 mm Hg is lethal
C. There is more water vapour which makes breathing difficult D. The air has very low percentage of oxygen

28.  A catabolic process by which the chemical degradation of body fuel substances is done to obtain energy is called:
A. External respiration B. Metabolism
C. Tissue respiration D. None of these

29.  During one circuit of blood from lungs to the tissue and back through circulatory system the percentages of haemoglobin giving up its oxygen to tissues is:
A. 50% B. 25%
C. 75% D. 100%

30.  A person on inhaling air having well as carbon monoxide suffers from suffocation because:
A. CO reacts with O2 reducing its percentage in the air B. Hb of blood combines with CO instead of O2 and the product cannot dissociate
C. CO affects diaphragm and internal muscles D. CO affects nerves of the lungs

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