CSS :: Respiratory System Physiology

11.  In young male which of these amounts of oxygen diffuse per minutes per mm of respiratory membrane:
A. 11ml B. 21ml
C. 31ml D. 41ml

12.  Respiration in absence of oxygen is termed:
A. Aerobic B. Anerobic
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

13.  What will happen when a person of Kerala goes to Mount Everest:
A. His breathing rate and heart beat will increase B. His breathing rate and hearbeat will decrease
C. His breathing rate will increase but heartbeat will decrease D. His breathing rate will decrease but heartbeat will increase

14.  What will happen when a person stays at Mount Everest for some days:
A. RBCs production in his body will step up B. His body will step down the production of RBCs
C. Number of RBCs will not change D. His RBCs will become very large

15.  Respiratory site of the cell is:
A. Golgi complex B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosomes D. None of these

16.  In which of these manners the oxygen is transported to tissues in the vertebrates:
A. Adsorbed to the surface of blood corpuscles B. Combined with haemoglobin as oxyhaemoglobin
C. Dissolved in the plasma of blood D. All of these ways

17.  Body tissues obtain oxygen from oxyaemoglobin because its dissociation is caused by:
A. Low concentration of oxygen B. Low O2 and high CO2 concentration
C. Low CO2 concentration D. High CO2 concentration

18.  In case the concentration of oxygen in the tissues were almost as high as at the respiratory surface then:
A. Oxyhaemoglobin would dissociate to supply oxygen to tissues B. Haemoglobin would combine with more oxygen at respiratory surface
C. Oxyhaemoglobin would not dissociate tosupply oxygen to tissues D. Carbondioxide will will interfere in the transport of oxygen

19.  In which way the frog respires during period of hibernation:
A. Through external gills B. Through lungs and external gills
C. Through lungs and buccopharyngeal cavity D. Through moist skin

20.  Blood leaving the lungs has all its haemoglobin oxygenated and gives up oxygen to tissues due to one of the following reasons:
A. The tissues can absorb oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin B. Oxygen concentration in tissues is lower and CO2 concentration is higher than in lungs
C. Oxyaemoglobin undergoes reduction D. Oxygen concentration in tissues is higher and CO2 concentration is

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