CSS :: Respiratory System

61.  Which one of the following is total lung capacity in man:
A. 2300ml B. 3500ml
C. 4600ml D. 5800ml

62.  Accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity generally associated with bacterial infection loads to a disease called:
A. Pellagra B. Beri-beri
C. Pleurisy D. None of these

63.  Various pulmonary volumes in man are:
A. Same in woman B. 20-25% lesser in woman
C. 20-25% higher in woman D. Almost equal in woman

64.  Robust persons and athletes have:
A. Greater pulmonary volumes than normal man B. Lesser pulmonary volumes than normal man
C. Almost equal as in normal man D. Equal as in normal man

65.  During sleep various pulmonary volumes in our body:
A. Become slightly higher than normal B. Become slightly lesser than normal
C. Remains almost same as in normal condition D. Remains exactly same as in normal conditions

66.  Vestibules of nasal chamber in rabbit has:
A. Vibrissae B. Cuniculi
C. Follicles D. Folliculi

67.  The space between two pleural cavities in rabbit is called:
A. Mediastinum B. Diaphragm
C. Diastema D. None of these

68.  What is specially common in alveoli of lungs and villi of intestine in mammals:
A. Both provide a large surface area B. Both are lightly suited for diffusion of gases
C. Both have rich supply of blood vessels and lymph ducts D. Both have ciliated epithelium

69.  Common feature between trachea of rabbit and brachea of cockroach is that:
A. Both are paired and branched B. Both have ciliated epithelium
C. Both have non-collapsible walls D. Both originate from pharnx in head region

70.  During inspiration in rabbit, the diaphragm:
A. Relaxes to become domeshaped B. Contracts and flattens
C. Expands D. Shows no change

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