CSS :: Respiratory System

51.  Maximum amount of air we can inspire after maximum distension of our lungs is:
A. 3000 ml B. 3500 ml
C. 4600 ml D. 5800 ml

52.  The amount of air we can inspire over and above the tidal volume is called:
A. Vital capacity B. Inspiratory reserve volume
C. Inspiratory capacity D. None of these

53.  Inspiratory reserve volume in man is:
A. 3000ml B. 3500ml
C. 4600ml D. 2300ml

54.  Expiratory reserve volume is the amount of air that we can expire over and above tidal volume and in man it is:
A. 500ml B. 1000ml
C. 1100ml D. 2300ml

55.  Residual volume is the amount of air that:
A. We can inspire and expire B. We can inspire over and above the tidal volume
C. We can expire over and above the tidal volume D. Is left in lungs after expiration

56.  Residual volume in man is about:
A. 500ml B. 1100ml
C. 1200ml D. None of these

57.  Functional residual capacity in man is the amount of air that retains in lungs after normal expiration and it is equal to:
A. Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume B. Expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
C. Expiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume D. None of these

58.  Functional residual capacity in man equals to about:
A. 2300 ml of air B. 3500 ml of air
C. 4600 ml of air D. None of these

59.  Vital capacity of lungs is defined as the maximum amount that one can expire after filling the lungs with maximum deep inspiratory and it is equal to:
A. Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume B. Expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
C. Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume D. None of these

60.  Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume + Residual volume in man is called:
A. Vital capacity of lung B. Functional residual capacity
C. Total lung capacity D. None of these

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