CSS :: Respiratory System

41.  Coughing and sneezing are reflex actions which are controlled by centres present in:
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla oblongata D. None of these

42.  Nasal cavities in rabbit help it:
A. Removing dust particles, large bacteria, spores etc. from air going in B. Warming the cool air and cooling the warm air going in
C. Both of these functions D. None of these functions

43.  During coughing the amount of air inspired by man is:
A. 0.5 litre B. 1.0 litre
C. 1.5 litres D. 2.5 litres

44.  Branches of bronchial tree have mucous membrane containing:
A. Ciliated epithelium B. Goblet cells
C. Both of these D. None of these

45.  Lungs in rabbit and other mammals do not stick with walls of thoracic cavities because of:
A. Fluid filled double layer jacket of pleural membranes over them B. Being spongy in nature
C. Presence of bronchial tree inside them D. None of these reasons

46.  During inspiration in rabbit the pressure of air inside alveoli becomes:
A. 757-759 mm of Hg B. 761-763 mm of Hg
C. 760 mm of Hg D. None of these

47.  Amount of air inspired and expired is called:
A. Tidal volume B. Residum
C. Vital capacity D. Total lung capacity

48.  Tidal volume in human beings is about:
A. 250 ml B. 500 ml
C. 75 ml D. 1000 ml

49.  Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume is called;
A. Residual volume B. Inspiratory capacity
C. Vital capacity D. Lung capacity

50.  Inspiratory capacity in man is about:
A. 3000 ml B. 500 ml
C. 3500 ml D. 4000 ml

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