CSS :: Respiratory System

31.  Sound in rabbit is produced by:
A. Anterior pair of vocal cords B. Posterior pair of vocal cords
C. Both pairs of vocal cords D. None of these

32.  Trachea in rabbit is long because the animal:
A. Has long neck B. Has well developed lungs
C. Is highly advanced animal D. Has diaphragm

33.  Trachea in rabbit is supported at regular intervals by incomplete rings which:
A. Provide more strength to its walls B. Provide better passage through its walls
C. Protect collapsing of its walls during passage of air through it D. Help in sound production by the animal

34.  Structure which does not contribute to breathing movements in mammals is:
A. Ribs B. Diaphragm
C. Abdominal muscles D. Larynx

35.  Ciliated epithelium in trachea of mammals help in:
A. Sucking inspired air in B. Perceiving sense of smell
C. Pushing expired air out D. Pushing mucous out

36.  Visceral or pulmonary pleura in rabbit is:
A. Squamous B. Ciliated
C. Columnar D. None of these

37.  Bronchial tree in rabbit consists of:
A. Trachea, prinary, secondary bronchi B. Tectiary bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchiole
C. Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts D. All of these

38.  Trachea, bronchi and their various branches bear cartilatinous:
A. Bronchioles B. Respiratory bronchioles
C. Tertiary bronchi D. Alveolar ducts

39.  Coughing helps to clear on foreign matter inside:
A. Pharynx B. Nasal cavities
C. Both of these D. None of these

40.  In coughing the air is forcibly blown through larynx while in sneezing it is blown through:
A. Mouth B. Nasal cavities
C. Both of these D. None of these

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