CSS :: Respiratory System

21.  Covering of lungs is made up of:
A. Pericardium B. Peritoneum
C. Perichondrium D. None of these

22.  Which of the following contains vocal cords:
A. Larynx B. Pharynx
C. Glottis D. Bronchial tube

23.  During inspiration in frog the air from buccopharyngeal cavity is forced into lungs by raising of floor which is brought about by contraction of:
A. Stemohyals B. Pterohyals
C. Submentals D. None of these

24.  Lungs in rabbit are located inside:
A. Abdominal cavity B. Thoracic cavities
C. Pericardial cavity D. Mediastinal cavity

25.  Epiglottis closing glottis is present in:
A. Rabbit B. Frog
C. Both of these D. None of these

26.  Larynx in mammals is different in having:
A. Arytenoids B. Cricoid
C. Thyroid cartilages D. None of these

27.  At the tip of arytenoids cartilages in rabbit are present:
A. Cricoid cartilages B. Cartilages of santorini
C. Mentomeckelian cartilages D. None of these

28.  Vocal cords in mammals are:
A. One pair B. Two pairs
C. Three pairs D. Four pairs

29.  Schneiderian membrane in rabbit is concerned with:
A. Gustatorecaption B. Olfactoreception
C. Thermoreception D. All of these

30.  Posterior part of nasal cavities in rabbit is highly complicated due to presence of:
A. Maxilloturbinals B. Nasoturbinals
C. Ethmoturbinals D. All of these

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