CSS :: Receptors

81.  Jocobson's organ in frog is sensitive to:
A. Colour of food B. Smell of food
C. Taste of food D. None of these

82.  In which of the following animals the Jacobson's organs are not found:
A. Frog B. Snake
C. Toad D. Rabbit

83.  Which of the following types of lingual papillae in rabbit do not have taste buds:
A. Filiform B. Fungiform
C. Foliate D. Cicumvallate

84.  Sweet taste in man is recognized by:
A. Anterior part of tongue B. Posterior part of tongue
C. Lateral side of tongue D. None of these

85.  Bitter taste in man is recognized by which part of tongue
A. Anterior part of tongue B. Posterior part of tongue
C. Sides of tongue D. All of these

86.  Annulus tympanicus is associated with:
A. External ear of frog B. External ear of rabbit
C. Middle ear of frog D. Middle ear of rabbit

87.  Salty taste in man is recognized by the:
A. Anterior part of the tongue B. Posterior part of the tongue
C. Sides of the tongue D. A small part behind anterior end

88.  In frog which type of lingual papillae are found:
A. Filiform and fungiform B. Cicumvalate and foliate
C. Both of these D. None of these

89.  Our taste organs located on the tongue are example of which type of these receptors:
A. Exteroreceptors B. Interorceptors
C. Teloreceptors D. Phonoreceptors

90.  Lacobson's organ is connected with which of the following senses:
A. Smell B. Touch
C. Light D. Taste

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