CSS :: Receptors

71.  One of these chambers of cochlea contains endolymph:
A. Scala vestibuli B. Scala media
C. Scala tympani D. All of these

72.  At the apex of cochlea the scala vestibuli and scala tympani communicate with each other through:
A. Fenestra ovalis B. Fenestra rotunda
C. Helicotrema D. None of these

73.  Organ of Corti contain which of the following cells:
A. Hensen's cells B. Deiter's cell
C. Sensory cells D. All of these

74.  Tectorial membrane is present over
A. Fenestra ovalis B. Fenestra rotunda
C. Organ of Corti D. None of these

75.  Utriculus in mammals internal ear functions mainly to:
A. Perceive sound vibrations B. Serve as shock absorber
C. Maintain body equilibrium D. Perceives shock stimuli

76.  Cochlea and organ of Corti in human ear are concerned with:
A. Hearing B. Balancing the body
C. Both of these D. None of these

77.  Stiff supporting structure in pinna of ear is:
A. Hyaline cartilage B. Elastic cartilage
C. Calcified cartilage D. None of these

78.  Eustachian canal in the ear helps to:
A. Equalize the pressure of air in the middle and external ear B. Equalize the pressure of air in middle and internal ear
C. Facilitate the animal in hearing D. Vibrate the tympanum

79.  Eustachian tube connects:
A. Pharynx with middle ear B. Middle ear with external ear
C. Left ventricle with right ventricle D. Left auricle to right auricle

80.  The membranous labyrinta in the ear is called stato - acaustic organ because it is concerned with:
A. Hearing B. Balancing
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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