CSS :: Receptors

61.  Endolymph is a fluid found in the:
A. Synovial cavity B. Vitreous chamber of the eye
C. Internal ear D. All of these

62.  Perilymph is a fluid found in the:
A. Utriculus B. Sacculus
C. Optic capsule D. Cochlea

63.  A narrow tubular passage that connect the middle ear with pharynx is called:
A. Tympanic canal B. Vestibular duct
C. Cochlear duct D. Eustachian tube

64.  Which of the following has got three semi-circular canals:
A. Heart B. Internal ear
C. Nose D. None of these

65.  In which part of the ear are found semicircular canals:
A. Utriculus B. Sacculus
C. Cochlea D. Tympanum

66.  Organ of Corti is found in:
A. Utriculus B. Sacculus
C. Cochlea D. None of these

67.  Which of these outgrowths project from sacculus of frog:
A. Lagena B. Pars basilaris
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

68.  Pars basilaris is found in sacculus and a similar outgrowth from utriculus is called:
A. Pars neglecta B. Pars Prostatica
C. Pars digitalis D. All of these

69.  Cochlear apparatus in man is divided into:
A. Scala vestibuli B. Scala tympani
C. Pars scala media D. None of these

70.  Which of these chambers of cochlea has perilymph:
A. Scala vestibuli B. Scala tympani
C. Both of these D. None of these

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