CSS :: Receptors

51.  In which of the following the external and middle ears are absent:
A. Cyclostomes B. Fishes
C. Some amphibians D. All of these

52.  Which of the following are concerned with receiving and transferring sound waves to internal ear:
A. External ear B. Middle ear
C. Both of these D. None of these

53.  Funnel-shaped part of the external ear is called:
A. Auricle B. External auditory meatus
C. Tympanum D. None of these

54.  Concha is a steep cavity found in the:
A. Auricle of ear B. Tympanum of the ear
C. Cochlea of the ear D. None of these

55.  Which of the following structures connect the middle ear with pharynx:
A. Eustachian tube B. Fallopian tube
C. Both of these D. None of these

56.  There are three ear ossicle in the middle ear, their names are:
A. Incus, malleus and stapes B. Utriculus, sacculus and cochlea
C. Auricle, tympanum and columella D. None of these

57.  Tympanic cavity is connected to auditory capsule through:
A. Fenestra ovalis B. Fenestra rotunda
C. Both of these D. None of these

58.  In which of the following order the three ear ossicles are arranged:
A. Malleus, stapes, incus B. Incus, malleus, stapes
C. Malleus, incus, stapes D. Stapes, malleus, incus

59.  External ears are characteristics of:
A. Fishes B. Reptiles
C. Mammals D. Amphibians

60.  Sense organs concerned with equilibrium are located in:
A. Nasal chamber B. Internal ears
C. Medulla oblongata D. Eyes

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