CSS :: Receptors

41.  Rods are found in the:
A. Cornea B. Retina
C. Iris D. None of these

42.  In a vertebrate eye the chief function of rods and cones is that:
A. The rods are important for vision in bright light and cones for vision in dim light B. The rods are important for vision in dim light and cones in bright light
C. Both rods and cones are important for vision in bright light D. Both rods and cones are important for vision in dim light

43.  Pupil can be dialated by:
A. Iris B. Ciliary muscles
C. Vitreous humour D. Aquous humour

44.  An aperture controlling entry of light in the eye is called:
A. Sclera B. Pupil
C. Iris D. Blind spot

45.  Which of the following is responsible for colour detection in the eye:
A. Cones B. Rods
C. Both of these D. None of these

46.  Retina in the vertebrates consists of:
A. Rods and cones only B. Rods, cones and neurons
C. Rods, cones, neurons and glia D. Neurons and neuroglia

47.  Blind spot in the vertebrates eye is located:
A. In fovea centralis B. In the middle of lens
C. At the point where from the optic nerve leaves the retina D. In the centre of the pupil

48.  Iris in the vertebrate eye functions to:
A. Move the lens B. Alter the diameter of pupil
C. Close the eye lids in bright light D. Secrete the vitreous humor

49.  In human beings the colour vision is possible due to:
A. Rods B. Cones
C. Lens D. Blind spot

50.  Blind spot in human eye is the place where:
A. Cones are absent B. Rods are absent
C. Both rods and cones are absent D. Image is not formed

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