CSS :: Receptors

31.  Nocturnal animals like owl move freely during night because they have:
A. Only cones and no rods in their retina B. Only rods and no cones in their retina
C. Deficiency of vitamin-A in their body D. Adjustible pupil

32.  Rods and cones are present in the:
A. Cornea B. Lens
C. Retina D. Iris

33.  If a light source in front of our eyes suddenly becomes bright then:
A. Focus of lens will change B. Retinal blood supply will be cut off
C. Vitrous humour will expand D. Pupil will enlarge

34.  Which of the following structures of our eye will be affected when a very bright source of light is put suddenly before our eyes:
A. Dalators or iris B. Sphincters of iris
C. Both of these D. None of these

35.  The eyes of nocturnal animals are different than those of diurnal animals in having:
A. Only rods in retina B. Only cones in retina
C. Having both rods and cones in retina D. Having none of these

36.  Main functions of rods and cones in retina of vertebrate eye are:
A. Rods are important for vision in bright light and cones in dim light B. Rods are important for vision in dim light and cones in bright light
C. Rods are involved in colour vision and cones in distinguishing intensities of light D. Both are important for vision in dim light

37.  Cavity of vitreous humour is:
A. Behind the lens B. Infront of the lens
C. Between choroids and retina D. Between sclerotic and choroid

38.  Rods of cones in the vertebrate eyed differ in one of the following respects:
A. Rods are actual photoreceptors but cones are not B. Rods are stimulated by low and cones by high intensities of light
C. Rods given blurred image and cones give sharp visual details D. Rods give colour vision and cones give black and white images

39.  Stimuli falling from a distant source on our eyes are:
A. Light and sound waves B. Light only
C. Light, sound and odour D. Light and sound

40.  Low intensity of light during night hours is detected by:
A. Cones B. Rods
C. Both of these D. None of these

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