CSS :: Receptors

21.  Which of the following are sensitive to itching:
A. Algesioreceptors B. Organs of Ruffini
C. Merckel's discs D. Pacinian corpuscles

22.  Among vertebrates the largest eyes are found in:
A. Man B. Monkey
C. Deer D. Elephant

23.  Primates have 3D stereoscopic vision because:
A. They have large eyes B. They have reduced nasal part
C. They have highly evolved motor understanding of visual sensations D. None of these reasons

24.  Eyes in most vertebrates have monocular vision but in some birds and mammals there is binocular vision which is due to:
A. Rods and cones are present in eyes B. Eyes are shifted to frontal position so that the monocular visions overlap
C. Eyes are large in these mammals D. They have highly evolved motor understanding of visual sensation

25.  Limbus in the eye is term used for:
A. Sclero corneal junction B. Vascular layer of eye
C. Pigmented layer of retina D. None of these

26.  Uvea is term used collectively for:
A. Tunica cornea and tunica sclera B. Choroid, iris and ciliary body
C. Bipolar nervous layer of retina D. Sclero-corneal joint

27.  An aperture controlling entry of light in eyes is called:
A. Blind spot B. Pupil
C. Sclera D. Iris

28.  How many stimuli from a different source fall on our eye:
A. Light and sound waves B. Light only
C. Light, sound waves and smell D. Light, sound waves and tension

29.  People with blue eyes have:
A. Blue pigment in iris and choroid B. Less pigment in iris and choroid layer
C. No pigment in iris and choroids layer D. Rich pigment in iris and choroid layer

30.  Ora serrata is the structure associated with:
A. Cornea B. Sclerotic layer
C. Conjunctive D. Retina

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