CSS :: Receptors

11.  Which of the following receptors are concerned with hunger, thirst, nausea, comfort, fatique, urinatin rectal distension and sexual sensations:
A. Proprioreceptors B. Interoreceptors
C. Exteroreceptors D. Teloreceptors

12.  Examples of Teloreceptors are:
A. Eyes and ears B. Smell and taste organs
C. Both of these D. None of these

13.  Tangoreceptors respond to:
A. Heat B. Chemicals
C. Touch D. Smell

14.  The receptors that are stimulated by the movements, pressure, position in locomotory systems are called:
A. Teloreceptors B. Proprioreceptors
C. Algesioreceptors D. None of these

15.  Which of the following are tangoreceptors in mammals:
A. Meissner's corpuscles B. Merckel's discs
C. Pacinaian corpuscles D. All of these

16.  In the skin of lips, nipples, penis, palms, soles and finger tips the tangoreceptors present are called:
A. Pacinian corpuscles B. Organs of Ruffini
C. Merckel's discs D. None of these

17.  Bulbs of Krause found in conjunctiva, external genitalia, hair follicles of skin are:
A. Tangoreceptors B. Algesioreceptors
C. Frigigioreceptors D. None of these

18.  Organs of Ruffini are excited by:
A. Cold B. Heat
C. Pain D. Touch

19.  Merckel's discs in rabbit are associated with:
A. Epidermis B. Hair follicles
C. Both of these D. None of these

20.  Organs of Ruffini are found:
A. Among cells of epidermis of rabbit B. Deeper in the layer of dermis
C. Upon hair follicles of vibrissae D. None of these

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