CSS :: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata

81.  Tosin is produced by:
A. Penetrant B. Desmonems
C. Glutinants D. Volvents

82.  Symbiotic algae is found in which of these cells of hydra:
A. Gastrodermal cells B. Epitheliomuscular cells
C. Mesogloea D. Interstitial cells

83.  Mucus is secreted in Hydra by:
A. Interstitial cells B. Mucus gland cells
C. Enzyme cells D. Epitheliomuscular cells

84.  Atrichous isorhizas are with:
A. Spiny base B. Spine on whole tube
C. No spines D. Spines on butt

85.  Stenosteles of Hydra have:
A. Spines on the butt B. No spines
C. Spines on the whole thread D. None of these

86.  Response of Hydra to light is:
A. Photonegative B. Photopositive
C. Some photopositive some negative D. None of these

87.  Colony of Obelia is:
A. Free floating B. Fixed
C. Swimming D. None of these

88.  Colony of Obellia is:
A. Monomorphic B. Dimorphic
C. Trimorphic D. None of these

89.  Hydranths in Obelia colony are:
A. Feeding zooids B. Sensory zooids
C. Reproductive zooids D. None of these

90.  Obelia colony has:
A. Gastrozooids B. Blastostyles
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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