CSS :: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata

61.  A single mature Hydra may bear:
A. One ovary and one testis B. Many ovaries and testes
C. Many ovaries and one testis D. One ovary and many testes

62.  Zoochlorellae lives inside the Hydra as:
A. Parasite B. Symbiont
C. Predator D. Commensal

63.  Digestion in cnidarians is:
A. Extracelular B. Intracellular
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

64.  Zoochlorellae provides to Hydra:
A. Maltose B. Fat
C. Proteins D. None of these

65.  Hydra feeds upon:
A. Fishes B. Small crustaceans
C. Aglae D. Crabs

66.  Intracellular digestion is Hydra takes place in:
A. Acidic medium B. Alkaline medium
C. Neutral medium D. First acidic and then alkaline medium

67.  Hydra shows positive responses as well as negative responses, in dim and bright light it shows:
A. Negative responses to both B. Positive response to both
C. Positive response to weak light and negative to bright one D. Negative response to weak light and positive response to bright light

68.  In Hydra the reporduction is:
A. Sexual B. Asexual
C. Both esexual and sexual D. None of these

69.  In Hydra eggs and sperms are formed from:
A. Cnicloblasts B. Interstitial cells
C. Epitheliomuscular cells D. None of these

70.  Egg of Hydra is:
A. Naked B. Covered by chitinous shell
C. Covered by perisrac D. None of these

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