CSS :: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata

41.  Mesogloea is secreted in Hydra by:
A. Epidermis B. Gastrodermis
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

42.  Body wall of Hydra is formed from:
A. Extoderm and mesoderm B. Ectoderm and endoderm
C. Endoderm and mesoderm D. Ectoderm, endoderm and mesogloea

43.  Which of these animals respires despite having no respiratory pigment:
A. Earthworm B. Cockroach
C. Frog D. Hydra

44.  Which of these in Hydra will be most hindered if there were no nematocyst:
A. Ingestion B. Food capture
C. Locomotion D. Digestion

45.  Which of these has no skeleton whatsoever:
A. Butterfly B. Sponge
C. Star-fish D. Jelly-fish

46.  Hydra reduces its body by contraction:
A. Epidermals ribres B. Gastrodermis
C. Interstitial cells D. None of these

47.  Cells of Hydra possessing flagella and pseudopodia are:
A. Nematocysts B. Secretory cells
C. Epitheliomuscular cells D. None of these

48.  Hydra possesses:
A. Sensory cells but no nerve cells B. Both sensory and nerve cells
C. Neither sensory nor nerve cells D. Nerve cells but no sensory cells

49.  Gastrovascular cavity is known to occur in which of these:
A. Scypha B. Hydra
C. Leucosolenia D. None of these

50.  Hydra egests undigested food residues through:
A. Aboral pore B. Mouth
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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