CSS :: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata

11.  Symbiosis is useful only for:
A. Host B. Parasite
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

12.  Which of these has a nervous system but no brain:
A. Hydra B. Amoeba
C. Cockroach D. Earthworm

13.  Cnidarians are characterized by presence of:
A. Nematocysts B. Gartovascular cavity
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

14.  Cnidarians have:
A. Bilateral symmetry B. Radial symmetry
C. Irregular symmetry D. None of these

15.  A hydrozoan polyp is:
A. Bilaterally symmetrica B. Radially symmetrical
C. Irregularly symmetrical D. None of these

16.  The gastrovascular cavity of cnidarians has:
A. Only one opening called mouth B. Has separate opening for mouth and anus
C. Has only one mouth and several pore outside D. Has none of these

17.  The body cavity of Hydra is:
A. Hydrocoel B. Homocoel
C. Coelom D. Coelenteron

18.  Animals having no specialized cells to respiration are:
A. Whales B. Hydras
C. Earthworms D. Cockroaches

19.  Nematocysts are found only in:
A. Porifera B. Coelentrata
C. Platyhelminthes D. Annelida

20.  Term coelnteron means:
A. A gut cavity B. A coelomic cavity
C. A blood cavity D. None of these

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