CSS :: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata

91.  Medusae are formed by:
A. Gastrozooids through asexual reproduction B. Blastostyles through asexual reproduction
C. Both through sexual reproduction D. None of these processes

92.  Medusa of Obelia is:
A. Free swimming B. Fixed and non-mobile
C. Floating D. None of these

93.  Tentacles in Obelia polyp are:
A. Hollow B. Solid
C. Irregular D. None of these

94.  Polymorphism is found in:
A. Hydra B. Physailia
C. Aurelia D. All of these

95.  Which of these does not exhibit polymorphsim:
A. Hydra B. Jelly fish
C. Metridium D. All of these

96.  Which of these exhibits phenomenon of polymorphism:
A. Physaila B. Obelia
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

97.  Chitinous covering ocer the colony of Obelia is:
A. Coenosarc B. Perisarc
C. Cuticle D. None of these

98.  In which of these the perisarc forms shelf like ring in Obelia:
A. Hydranth B. Blastostyles
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

99.  In blastostyles the perisarc forms:
A. Hydrotheca B. Gonotheca
C. Blastotheca D. None of these

100.  Hydrotheca is formed around:
A. Polyps of Obelia B. Blastostyles of Obelia
C. Both of these D. None of these

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