CSS :: Phylum Arthropoda

11.  Malpighian tubules in cockroach are used for:
A. Respiration B. Excretion
C. Enzyme secretion D. None of these

12.  Malpigman tubules of insects are:
A. Excretory organs B. Respirtory organ
C. Endocrine structures D. None of these

13.  Function of malpighian tubules in cockroach is:
A. Respiration B. Excretion, osmoregulation and homeostasis
C. Secretion of deigestive enzymes D. Storage of wastes

14.  Mandibles are not found in:
A. Cockroach B. House-fly
C. Spider D. Mosquito

15.  Chelicera are found in:
A. Cockroach B. Scorpion
C. Butter-fly D. None of these

16.  Two pairs of antennae are found in:
A. Crustaceans B. Insects
C. Myriapods D. Arachnids

17.  Single pair of antennae are found in:
A. Insects B. Crustaceans
C. Spider D. Scorpion

18.  Number of legs in insects is:
A. One pair B. Two pairs
C. Three pairs D. Four pairs

19.  Four pairs of legs are found in:
A. Cockroach B. House-fly
C. Spider D. None of these

20.  Complete metamorphosis occurs in:
A. Moths and mosquitoes B. Grass-hopper
C. Bed-bug D. Silver-fish

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