CSS :: Organic Evolution Theories

71.  Hugo De Vries pioneered the theory of mutations to explain the mechanism of organic evolution. The material on which he performed experiments was:
A. Drosophila melanogaster B. Pisum sativum
C. Oenothera Lamarckiana D. Escherichia coli

72.  Oenothera Lamarckiana the plant which was used by De Vries is commonly called:
A. Sweet-pea B. China-rose
C. Evening primrose D. None of these

73.  According to the "Theory of Continuity of Germplasm" which was put forward by August Weismann:
A. The acquired characters of organisms that have passed to somatoplasm are inherited in their offsprings B. The acquired character of organism which have passed only to germplasm are inherited in their offsprings
C. The acquired characters of organism that have passed only to somatoplasm and not to germplasm are inherited in their offsprings D. The acquired characters of organism are inherited due to principle of recapitulation

74.  Mutations are:
A. Heritable changes B. Inheritable changes
C. Changes that may or may not be inherited D. Changes acquired by organisations in the time

75.  Which of the following facts does not hold truth with reference to De Vries Theory of organic evolution:
A. New species evolve by sudden and distinct heritable changes called by mutations and not by natural selection B. First individual showing is called "mutant'. It is pure breeding as well as transmits mutations to its progeny and thus starts a new species
C. All organisms have tendency to mutate but the rate of mutation varies from time to time depending upon environmental and physiological conditions D. The development and deficiency of organs are in proportion to use and disuse of these organs

76.  De Vries Theory of Organic Evolution is longer accepted because of one of the lowing criticisms:
A. Oenothera Lamarckiana is highly inconsistent hybrid species and distribution of 14 chromosomes is highly anamolous B. Mutants often render mutants so much different from other members of species that they fall to compete and perish
C. Being random, the mutations are hardly useful in adaptability, therefore, they bring extinction of species rather than evolution D. All of these

77.  Currently "Evolution" and "Natural Selection" are regarded as natural phenomena. "Principles of Genetics" applied to "Population Dynamics" have removed the drawbacks of Darwin's Theory as a result "neo Darwinism" has emerged out as "Modern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution". The theory was designated to explain organic evolution by:
A. Charles Lyell B. Herbert Spencer
C. Huxley D. De Vries

78.  Initial material to "Medern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution" was provided by Dobzhansky's book entitled:
A. "Natural Selection and Origin of Species" B. "Origin of Species"
C. "Genetics and Origin of Species" D. "Philosophie Zoologique"

79.  Which of the following Scientists contributed a lot to "Modern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution".
A. Muller (1949) B. Fischer (1958)
C. Wright (1968) D. All of these

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