CSS :: Organic Evolution Theories

61.  "New species evolve by sudden and distinct heritable changes called mutations and not by "Natural Selection". The idea was put forward by:
A. Herbert Spencer B. Muller
C. De Vries D. Alfred Russell Wallace

62.  Frequency of a mutant gene in a population is expected to increase if that gene is:
A. Dominant B. Selected
C. Recessive D. Neither dominant nor recessive

63.  "Discontinuous Variations" may be defined as:
A. Acquired characters B. Mutations
C. General characters of a species D. Non-exxential features

64.  Sudden heritable changes are called:
A. Recombination B. Mutations
C. Segregation D. Independent assortment

65.  For evolution, the most important requirement is:
A. Developmental anamoly B. Acquired characters
C. Mutation D. Natural selection

66.  Darwin's finches are found in:
A. Australia B. New Zealand
C. Iceland D. Galapago Islands

67.  Mutations are mainly respobsible for:
A. Variations in the organism B. Constancy in the organism
C. Genetic continuity between parents and offsprings D. Increase in the population rate

68.  Mutations are due to:
A. Infection by micro-organisms B. Abrupt changes in genes
C. Nutritional factors D. Hybridization

69.  Mutations are generally:
A. Recessive B. Dominant
C. Harmful D. Useful

70.  Lamarckism envisages that the:
A. Organisms tend to grow in the size B. Organisms inherit the characters acquired by their parents
C. Environment influences the organisms D. Enormous fertility in the organisms leads to over production

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