CSS :: Organic Evolution Theories

51.  The Theory of Natural Selection proposed by Charles Darwin for explaining "Organic Evolution" was based on:
A. Modifications in body parts through use and disuse B. Enormous fertility, struggle for existence and survival of fittest
C. Inheritance of acquired characters D. Appearance of sudden large variations, inheritance and survival of those having these variations

52.  The scientist who gave a severe blow to Lamarckian theory by giving "Theory of continuity of germplasm" was:
A. Hugo De Vries B. Charles Lyell
C. August Weismann D. Alfred Russell Wallace

53.  The idea "Survival of Fittest" propounded by Darwin as given by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). Is this statement:
A. Correct B. Wrong
C. Partially wrong D. No idea

54.  Adaptation of a species is its:
A. Acquired characters B. Ecdyris
C. Metamorphosis D. Hereditary characters

55.  To be a successful event for evolution the mutation or change must occur in:
A. RNA B. Plasma proteins
C. Germplasm DNA D. Somatoplasm DNA

56.  Lamarck was a "French Naturalist" who proposed:
A. Cell Theory B. Germplasm Theory
C. Abiogenesis Theory D. Theory of inheritance of acquired characters

57.  One of the evolutionary concept in Biology was projected by Darwin in his book "Origin of Species". It has been discussed as:
A. Germplasm Theory B. Theory of use and disuse of body parts
C. Theory of Natural Selection leading to Survival of Fittest D. Theory of gene mutations

58.  Which one of the following gactors is respobsible for the evolution of organisms according to Neo-Darwinism:
A. Mutations B. Natural selection
C. Mutations and natural selection D. Either mutations or natural selection

59.  A new species is formed when:
A. An individual with new genotype is formed due to exchange of chromosomal segments during crossing over in gametogenesis B. Genotypic changes accumulated in a population which result in its reproductive isolation
C. Variants with new phenotypes are produced owing to new genetic combinations occurring during reproduction D. Homologous chromosomes exchange segments during crossing over in gametogenesis

60.  Hugo De Vries while working on plants Oenothera Lamarchiana developed his famous theory of:
A. Gene mutation B. Mutations
C. Sexual selection D. Sontaneous creation

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