CSS :: Organic Evolution Theories

41.  Darwin did not have much idea of mutations but he used a word to denote them which was:
A. Variation B. Sports
C. Phenotype D. None of these

42.  In formulating his theory of organic evolution by "Natural Selection", Darwin was greatly influenced by the writings of:
A. Malthus B. Mendel
C. De Vries D. Lamarck

43.  The theory of organic evolution by process of natural selection was proposed by:
A. Mendel B. Darwin and Wallace
C. Lamarck D. Darwin

44.  The book "Origin of Species" was published in the year:
A. 1809 B. 1858
C. 1859 D. 1959

45.  The idea of "Survival of fittest" was first presented by:
A. Lyell B. Mendel
C. Darwin D. Spencer

46.  Which of the following was most influential in formulation of "Theory of Natural Selection":
A. Inheritance of acquired characters B. Malthus's essay on population
C. Struggle for existence D. Mendel's laws of inheritance

47.  Key point of Lararck's Theory was:
A. Survival of fittest B. Continuity of germplasm
C. Inheritance of acquired characters D. Descent with modifications

48.  Ship on which Darwin travelled was:
A. Beagle B. Begle
C. Baegle D. Bieggle

49.  One major criticism against Darwin's Theory on evolution is:
A. That it does not explain presence of vestigial organs found in many mammals B. That is overestimates the reproductive capacity of organisms
C. That it does not take into account the variations with heredity in the organisms D. That it pre-supposes that environment upon earth has been changing through ages

50.  The book "Philosophie Zoologique" written by Jean Baptist de Lamarck was published in the year:
A. 1809 B. 1850
C. 1858 D. 1859

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