CSS :: Organic Evolution Theories

21.  Which of the following features are raw materials in evolution according to Darwin's Theory:
A. Intra-specific character B. Acquired variations
C. Acquired capabilities D. Inherited variation

22.  The processes associated with evolution of a species collectively mean:
A. Natural Selection B. Heredity
C. Mutation D. Adaptation

23.  When a population's large portion is destroyed by some calamity, the new populet from survivers shall have gene pool showing:
A. Genetic drift B. Genetic maladjustment
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

24.  Which of the following concepts is attributed to Charles Darwin:
A. All the characters acquired by the organisms in their life time are inherited B. The cell come from pre-existing cells
C. In the struggle for existence, the fittest individuals survive D. Use and disuse of organs is important in evolution

25.  In which of the following books, Darwin published his theory:
A. "Principles of population" B. "On the origin of species by Natural Selection"
C. "Genetic and origin of species" D. None of these

26.  Darwinism can be explained briefly by a chart consisting of observed facts and deductions which was drawn jointly by:
A. Darwin and Charles Lyell B. Darwin and Malthus
C. Darwin and Morgan D. Darwin and Wallace

27.  Which is the observed fact in the chart drawn by Darwin and Wallace:
A. Enormous fertility in the organisms yet the number is constant B. Struggle for existence, variation and heredity
C. Survival of fittest and continuous changes in environment D. All of these

28.  From the observed fact namely "Enormous fertility yet number is constant". Darwin and Wallace could make out some conclusion which is:
A. Struggle for existence B. Survival of the fittest
C. Structural modifications leading to new species D. None of these

29.  Which of the following facts Darwin and Wallace deduced from the observed fact "Struggle for existence, variations and their transmission":
A. Structural modifications forming new species B. Struggle for existence
C. Survival of fittest or natural selection D. All of these

30.  What could be deduced from Darwin and Wallace's observed fact entitled, "Survival of the fittest and continuous changes in environment":
A. Structural modifications leading to a new species B. Struggle for existence, variation and heredity
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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