CSS :: Organic Evolution

71.  Which one represents a connecting link as an evidence from comparative anatomy in favour of organic evolution:
A. Whale between fishes and mammals B. Archaeopteryx between birds and mammals
C. Duck-bill Platypus between reptiles and mammals D. Lave Ape Man between modern man and peking man

72.  Which of the following is evidence of organic evolution:
A. Presence of Thyroxin in all vertebrates B. Presence of tail in man
C. Fundamental similarity in DNA and RNA of all organism D. All of these

73.  Prototheria are derived from:
A. Reptiles B. Birds
C. Mammals D. Amphibians

74.  Which of the following are not Fossil forming processes:
A. Petrifaction B. Moulding
C. Imprinting D. Waxing

75.  Firm evidence of organic evolution can be provided by the:
A. Presence of gill slits in embryos B. Presence of excretory organs in earthworm and frog
C. Presence of legs in mammals and arthropod D. Presence of wings in all insects

76.  In absence of organic evolution there would have been:
A. Absence of variation B. Only one species on earth
C. No speciation D. All of these

77.  Cause of sudden extinction of a species may be:
A. Harmful mutation B. Catastrophic changes of environment
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

78.  Which of the following may lead to evolution:
A. Deletion B. Translocation
C. Inversion D. All of these

79.  Primitive bird originated from:
A. Ignuanodon B. Brontosaurus
C. Stegosaurus D. Pterosaurus

80.  Legs of pliohippus had well developed:
A. One digit B. Two digit
C. Three digit D. Four digit

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