CSS :: Organic Evolution

41.  Which of the following sets includes all the homologous organs:
A. Hinds limbs of dog, duck and kangaroo B. Wings of bat, butterfly and bird
C. Sting of honey bee, scorpion and mosquito

42.  Which of the following statements is wrong particularly with reference to Doctrine of Organic Evolution.
A. All the organism were created by God separately B. The descent with change or modification has led to diversities of forms
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

43.  Biogenetic Law states that:
A. Like Begets like B. Omnis Vivo-Ex-Vivum
C. Ontogeny repeats phylogeny D. Omnis Cellula-E-Cellulae

44.  Which of the following is not likely to disappear in the future generations of man:
A. Body hairs B. Wisdom tooth
C. Ear ossicles D. Ear muscles

45.  Which of the following sets represent all the vestigial characters in human body:
A. Vermiform appendix, ear muscles and cochlea B. Coccyx, parthyroid and chin
C. Coccyx, vermiform appendix and ear muscles D. Vermiform appendix, coccyx and olecranon process

46.  Which of the following structures provide a strong evidence in support of the process of organic evolution:
A. Gill clefts in the vertebrate embryos B. Wings in the insects, birds and bats
C. Jointed legs of arthropods and mammals D. Excretory organs in earthworm and frog

47.  Sting of Honey Bee and sting of Scorpion are:
A. Homologous organs B. Analogous organs
C. Primordial organs D. Rudimentary organs

48.  The sting of honey been is formed by modification of ovipositor while sting of scorpion is formed by modification of last abdominal segment whether this statement is:
C. Partially false D. No idea

49.  Which of the following organs is not theexampe of Vestigial Organs in man:
A. Nictitating membrane B. Epiglottis
C. Coccyx D. Vermiform appendix

50.  Most Modern Breeds of domestic dogs have evolved as a result of:
A. Natural selection B. Artificial selection
C. Sexual selection D. Isolation

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