CSS :: Organic Evolution

31.  Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny the idea was given by:
A. Lamarck B. De Vries
C. Von Haeckel D. Oparin

32.  Ontogemy means:
A. Life cycle of individual B. Life cycle of all the animals of different groups
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

33.  Von Haeckels statement ontogeny repeats phylogeny is the theme of:
A. Chemical Evolution Theory B. Theory of Special Creation
C. Recapitulation Theory D. None of these

34.  One of the following is not example of connecting link:
A. Ostrich B. Euglena
C. Neopalina D. Peripatus

35.  Recapitulation theory means that:
A. All animals start as an egg B. History of the animal reflects it's evolutionary history:
C. Organs which are lost are regenerated D. Young one of an organism are similar to parents

36.  Homologous Organs are important in the study of organic evolution because they show:
A. Evidence of origin of life B. Process of mutation
C. Evidence of divergent evolution D. Evidence of fossil records

37.  The Analogous Organs exhibit:
A. Evidence of divergent evolution B. Evidence of convergent evolution
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

38.  Organs once in use and fully developed but presently not in use in an organism are called:
A. Fossils B. Vestigial organs
C. Homologous organs D. Analogous organs

39.  Which of the following do not have any relation with the process of organic evolution:
A. Organs once develop and used but presently not in use B. Organs having similar origin but similar or dissimilar in function
C. Organs having similar function but dissimilar origin D. Organs having different origin and different function

40.  Some of the important evidences of organic evolution are:
A. Presence of homologous and vestigial organs in diffeent animals B. Presence of homologous and analogous organs in different animals
C. Present of homologous and vestigial organs in different animals D. Presence of analogous organs in different animals

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