CSS :: Organic Evolution

11.  Analogous organs are:
A. Having similar function and similar origin B. Having similar function but different origin
C. Found only in higher groups of animals D. Found only in lower groups of animals

12.  Vestigial organs are the:
A. Primordial organs B. Organs fully developed at present but not developed earlier
C. Organs fully developed once but now reduced due to disuse D. Organs market only in embryonic stage

13.  The fore limbs of man and wings of birds are example of:
A. Analogous organs B. Homologous organs
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

14.  Homologous structures in organisms are:
A. Similar in origin but similar or dissimilar in function B. Dissimilar in origin but different in function
C. Dissimilar both in origin and function D. Dissimilar both in origin and structure

15.  Peripatus is a connecting link between:
A. Annelids and arthropods B. Arthropods and molluscs
C. Molluscs and Arthropods D. Annelids and molluscs

16.  Connecting link between annelids and molluscs is:
A. Neopilina B. Peripatus
C. Archaeopteryx D. None of these

17.  Archaeopteryx a fossil discovered from Germany showed mixture of:
A. Amphibian and reptilian characters B. Reptilian and avian characters
C. Avian and mammalian characters D. None of these

18.  Which of the following birds had teeth in beak:
A. Kiwi B. Ostrich
C. Archaeopteryx D. Pelican

19.  Connecting link between mammals and reptiles are:
A. Amphibians B. Dinosaurs
C. Protozoans D. Prototherians

20.  Which of the following protozoans is considered a connecting link between animals and plants:
A. Amoeba B. Entamoeba
C. Paramecium D. Euglena

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