CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

81.  Under the condition of hypoxia in our body our heart rate is increased due to:
A. Saltatory response B. Autonomic reaction
C. Conditioned response D. None of these

82.  Demonstration of conditioned reflex was first made by:
A. Harvey B. Pavlov
C. Pasteur D. Funk

83.  Which of these is not a reflex reaction :
A. Salivation B. Blinking of eye
C. Sweating D. Flexion due to prick

84.  Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses through:
A. Cytons B. Dendrites
C. Axons D. Synapses

85.  Which of these is not example of conditioned reflex:
A. Withdrawal of hand on touching a hot plate B. Watering of mouth at the smell of food
C. Flowing of tears on cutting onion D. Cycling

86.  Which of these illustrates a reflex are:
A. Brain ? spinal cord ? muscles B. Receptor ? spinal cord ? muscle
C. Spinal cord ? receptor ? effector D. None of these

87.  Reflex action is controlled by:
A. Autonomic nervous system B. Central nervous system
C. Peripheral nervous system D. Vertebral column

88.  Reflex action in a vertebrate is an essential display exhibited by:
A. Motor nerves B. Sensory nerves
C. Sympathetic nerves D. Autonomic response

89.  A very common example of reflex action is:
A. Salivation of mouth at the sight of a favourite food B. Closing of eyes when an object approaches them
C. Climbing upstairs in dark without stumbling D. Tying the shoe laces while talking to some one and not looking at shoes

90.  Which of these is not a reflex action:
A. Caughing B. Yawning
C. Sneezing D. None of these

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