CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

71.  A voluntary response is one that:
A. Is under cerebral control and aimed to achieve difinite object B. Is subconscious and aimed to achieve definite goal
C. Is conscious but not aimed to achieve definite goal D. Is none of these

72.  Which of these is not a voluntary response:
A. Courtship in animals B. Blinking of eyes when something falls in it
C. Copulation in animals D. Catching prey by animal

73.  Which of these is not the example of reflex actions:
A. Blinking of eyes B. Sneezing
C. Swallowing D. Catching a prey

74.  Some particle in nasal chamber would lead to:
A. Sneezing B. Coughing
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

75.  Entry of some particle in our trachea will cause coughing which is example of:
A. Autonomic reaction B. Reflex reaction
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

76.  When a foreign particle falls on the surface of our eye than it shows a reflex response during which:
A. Eyelids close B. Eye waters
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

77.  Responses in our internal organs without any knowledge to animal are called:
A. Reflex responses B. Autonomic reaction
C. Saltatory responses D. None of these responses

78.  Change in heart rate is an example of:
A. Reflex reaction B. Autonomic reaction
C. Saltatory responses D. None of these

79.  Which of these is not the example of autonomic reactions in our body:
A. Peristalsis B. Sweating
C. Change in respiration D. Search for food

80.  Under the condition of increased CO2 concentration in blood our rate of respiration is increased which is an example of:
A. Conditioned reflex B. Saltatory response
C. Autonomic reaction D. None of these

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