CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

61.  On cutting off the parasympathetic supply to heart completely, the heart will:
A. Stop beating B. Beat rapidly
C. Beat slowly D. Beat but without nervous control

62.  When sympathetic nerve supply to heart is completely cut off then heart rate will:
A. Increase B. Decrease
C. Show no change D. Show none of these

63.  If heart is stimulated through vagus nerve, the heart rate will:
A. Increase B. Decrease
C. Show no change D. None of these

64.  When stimulation of heart is done through sympathetic nerve, then heart rate will:
A. Increase B. Decrease
C. Show no change D. Show none of these

65.  Stimulation of heart through sympathetic nerve is a result of:
A. Release of acetylcholine B. Release of adrenaline
C. Inhibition of acetylcholine D. Inhibition of adrenaline

66.  Chemical transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to the other or from neuron to muscle is done by:
A. Acetylcholine B. Cholecystokinin
C. Cholesterol D. ATP

67.  When an electric shock is given to a pithed frog it:
A. Shows contraction of leg muscles B. Blinks its eyes
C. Puts out its tongue D. Shows no response

68.  Which of these processes are only found in the animals:
A. Nervous control B. Hormonal control
C. Respiration D. Diffusion

69.  Response is:
A. Nervous reaction to stimuli B. Metabolic activity in the body
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

70.  Which of these are voluntary responses in man and other animals:
A. Efforts for food search B. Courtship
C. Copulation D. All of these

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