CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

41.  Sodium-pump functions mainly to:
A. Maintain osmotic equilibrium between ECF and cytoplasm B. Reduce the charges over surface membrane
C. To speed up the propagation of nerve impulse D. Perform none of these

42.  Maintenance of osmotic equilibrium between ECF and cytoplasm with the help of sodium - pump leaves every cell with a net difference of which of these between its cytoplasm and ECF
A. 12 mEq B. 22 mEq
C. 32 mEq D. 42 mEq

43.  Each cell in resting stage is in polarized state with a membrane potential of:
A. ?50mV B. ?60 mV
C. ?70 mV D. 80 mV

44.  The electric potential across membrane of each resting cell is:
A. Resting potential B. Action potential
C. Membrane potential D. None of these

45.  The action potential on inner side of axolemma is:
A. 45 mV B. 55 mV
C. 65 mV D. 75 mV

46.  At the point of stimulation the depolarization is of axolemma brought about by:
A. Increased permeability for sodium ions resulting in influx of Na+ from ECF into cytoplasm B. Decreased permeability for sodium ions resulting in outflux of these from cytoplasm into ECF
C. Influx of K+ ions from ECF into cytoplasm D. None of these processes

47.  Saltatory transmission of nerve impulse occurs in the:
A. Myelinated neurons B. Non-myelinated neurons
C. Both of these neurons D. None of these neurons

48.  In saltatory transmission the impulse propagates:
A. Throughout the fibre in linear fashion B. From one node of Ranvier to other and so on so forth
C. Without passing through synapses D. In none of these ways

49.  Transmission in myelinated fibres occurs:
A. At about 50 times faster rate than non-myelinated ones B. At about 50 times slower rate than non-myelinated ones
C. At the same rate as in the non-myelinated ones D. At about 100 times slower rate than non-myelinated ones

50.  Transmission through synapses is:
A. Very short lived and occurs only for 0.5 milliseconds B. Long lived and occurs of 1.0 milli-seconds
C. Both long lived and short lived D. Of some other type

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