CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

21.  Under the condition of disturbed electrical equivalence between axoplasm and ECF the conduction of nerve impulse will be:
A. Normal B. Abnormal
C. Unaffected D. None of these

22.  Longest cell in our body may be:
A. Muscle cell B. Nerve cell
C. Uriniferous tubule D. None of these

23.  How can we disturb the conduction of impulse through a nerve fibre:
A. By disturbing the permeability of axolemma B. By altering the osmotic equilibrium
C. By disturbing the electrical equivalence D. By all of these processes

24.  Synapse is a gap between adjacent:
A. Nerve cells B. Muscle cells
C. Muscle fibres D. Nerve cell and other cell

25.  An impulse will travel through a nerve fibre only if the membrane becomes more permeable to ions of:
A. Chloride B. Potassium
C. Calcium D. Sodium

26.  Nerve impulse is in fact, a process which is associated with which of these phenomenon:
A. Electrical B. Chemical
C. Electrochemical D. Physical

27.  A nerve which conducts impulses from a tissue to nerve is called:
A. Afferent B. Efferent
C. Motor D. Mixed

28.  Afferent nerve fibres conduct impulses from:
A. Effectors to receptors B. Receptors to effectors
C. Receptors to CNS D. CNS to receptors

29.  During conduction of an impulse, electric potential on inside of axolemma changes from:
A. Negative to positive and remain positive B. Negative to positive and remain negative
C. Positive to negative and remain positive D. Positive to positive and remain negative

30.  In animals with closed circulation the ECF has which of these compartments:
A. Interstitum or tissue fluid B. Circulating fluid (blood or plasma)
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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