CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

11.  Which of these have excitability:
A. Neurons B. Muscle fibres
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

12.  Which of these is a correct statement:
A. All of the neurons are excitable B. All of the neurons can transmit impulses across their membrane
C. Transmission of nerve impulses is always unidirectional D. All of these statements

13.  The impulses from sense organs are always carried from sense organs to CNS by means of:
A. Dendrites B. Axons
C. Cytons D. None of these

14.  Impulses from CNS to effectors are always carried by:
A. Dendrites B. Axons
C. Cytons D. All of these

15.  Maximum length of a nerve fibre can be:
A. 1 metre B. 5 metre
C. 7 metre D. 10 metre

16.  Conduction of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre is purely:
A. A physical phenomenon B. A mechanical phenomenon
C. An electrochemical phenomenon D. None of these

17.  A nerve fibre can transmit impulses at the rate of:
A. 5 metre per second B. 10 metre per second
C. 100 metre per second D. 130 metre per second

18.  An impulse travels along the nerve fibre as a :
A. Self propagative wave of some electrochemical changes B. Self propagative wave of mechanical changes
C. Self-propagative wave of thermal changes D. Self propagative wave of none of these changes

19.  Conduction of nerve impulse depends upon:
A. Permeability of axolemma B. Osmotic equilibrium
C. Electrical equivalence between axoplasm and ECF D. All of these

20.  Under the condition of disturbed permeability of axolemma the nerve impulse will:
A. Conduct normally B. Conduct abnormally
C. Conduct slowly D. Conduct first slowly then fastly

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