CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

91.  In vertebrates the reflex action is:
A. Monosynaptic B. Polysynaptic
C. Bisynaptic D. All of these

92.  Destruction of acetylcholine by acetylcho-linesterase is required because of:
A. The presence of acetylcholine on dendrites transmits the same impulse B. Its presence will make further transmission impossible
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

93.  Sympathetic fibres of autonomic nervous system:
A. Stimulate the function of a visceral organ by secreting epinephrine B. Inhibit the function of a visceral organ by secreting epinephrine
C. Inhibit the function of a visceral organ by secreting acetylcholine D. Stimulate the function of the visceral organ by secreting acetylcholine

94.  Sensory ganslion connected with reflex action is located in:
A. Dorsal horn of gray matter B. Dermis of skin
C. Ventral root of spinal cord D. Dorsal root of spinal cord

95.  The inhibitory effect of vagus nerve on the heart is due to the secretion of:
A. Acetylcholine B. Norepinephrine
C. Glycine D. Dopamine

96.  Acetylcholine is:
A. Chemical transmittor across synapses B. Chemical messenger
C. Antistress hormone D. None of these

97.  Once synaptic junction has allowed transmission of a nerve impulse, it is made ready to transmit the next impulse by the action of:
A. Acetylcholine B. Secretin
C. Acetylchoilnesterase D. None of them

98.  The main chemical secreted by sympathetic nervous system to prepare the organism for an emergency reaction is:
A. Gonadotropin B. Oxytocin
C. Acetylchaline D. Epinephrine

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