CSS :: Nervous System Physiology

1.  Integrative systems in our body are which of he following:
A. Nervous B. Endocrine system
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

2.  Nervous system in organisms, in general, serve to:
A. Regulate and control the activities of different organs in the body B. Link and coordinate the activities of various organs to ensure the integrity of the animal
C. Help the organs to maintain unity with the environment D. All of these functions

3.  Functionally neurons may be:
A. Afferent that carry impulses from periphery of the body to CNS B. Efferent that carry impulses from CNS to the effector organs
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

4.  Between afferent and afferent neurons are found:
A. Internuncial neurons B. Neuromuscular junctions
C. Synapses D. None of these

5.  Routing of signals to one of several alternative circuits, amplification of certain signals while reduction of others, integration of signals from diffuse sources, learning etc, are performed by:
A. Inter-neurons B. Synapses
C. Neuromuscular junctions D. None of these

6.  The distal ends of which of these neurons lie adjacent to blood stream:
A. Afferent neurons B. Efferent neurons
C. Inter-neurons D. Neurosecretory neurons

7.  Which of these neurons secrete neurohormones:
A. Afferent B. Efferent
C. Internununcial D. Neurosecretory

8.  Functional junction between dendritic region of one reuron or nerve axon ending of other neuron is termed:
A. Synapse B. End plate
C. Neuromuscular junction D. None of these

9.  Term synapse was applied by:
A. Sir Charles Sherrington B. Charles Darwin
C. Mclenan D. None of these

10.  Who established the physiological importance of synapses:
A. Mclenan B. Sherrington
C. Darwin D. None of these

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