CSS :: Nervous System

81.  Parts of brain respobsible for hearing is:
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla D. Auditory

82.  Total number of sensory cranial nerves in rabbit is:
A. 4 B. 5
C. 6 D. 8

83.  Sensory nerve fibres enter spinal cord through:
A. Ventral root B. Dorsal root
C. Both of these D. None of these

84.  Tongue is under the control of:
A. Trigeminal B. Vagus
C. Autonomic system D. Glossopharyngeal

85.  Heart-beat is under control of:
A. Vagus B. Glossopharyngeal
C. Autonomic system D. None of these

86.  Number of spinal nerves in frog and rabbit respectively is:
A. 10 to 27 pairs B. 12 to 20 pairs
C. 10 to 37 pairs D. 10 to 40 pairs

87.  In rabbit all thoracis, first 3 pairs of lumber and 2nd, 3rd, 4th pairs of sacral spinal nerves have additional rami called:
A. Ramus communicans B. White ramus communicans
C. Both of these D. None of these

88.  Which of the following branches of spinal nerves connect them with autonomic nervous system:
A. Ramus dorsalis B. Ramus vantralis
C. Ramus communicans D. All of these

89.  Branchial plexus in frog is formed by:
A. Union of ventral rami of 2nd and 3rd spinal nerves B. Union of dorsal rami of 2nd and 3rd spinal nerves
C. Union of ventral rami of 3rd and 4th spinal nerves D. None of these

90.  Sciatic plexus in frog are formed by:
A. Union of ventral rami of 7th, 8th and 9th spinal nerves B. Union of dorsal rami of 7th, 8th and 9th spinal nerves
C. Union of ventral rami of 8th, 9th and 10th spinal nerves D. None of these

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